Interested in some continuing education sessions about the issues faced by hedge funds and their advisers?  You are in luck.  Now there such a series being hosted in conjunction with Opalesque and many of the leaders in the hedge fund industry.  This seems like a good opportunity to come together and explore issues such as troublesome provisions encountered in private placement memoranda, tax and accounting concerns such as the unrelated business tax and valuation issues, planning for hedge fund managers and investors, and new and unique issues encountered in investing in alternative alternatives. 

This series begins on July 22, 2008 and runs over four consecutive Tuesday mornings through August 12, 2008, at the Yale Club in New York City.   

You can take one or two or all of these workshops.  Each one will give you 4 hours of continuing legal or accounting education and if you attend all four sessions, you will obtain 16 hours for a total price of $995-or pay just $295 for each individual workshop.

Click Here for More Info

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